Saturday, 16 July 2011

The Economy Of God Is Nigh...

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 

These powerful words have become even more electrifying this week with the dramatic developments surrounding the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. The ramifications of News Corp's spiral into oblivion have not yet been fully realised, such is the speed at which Murdoch's business has hit the skids. Other newspapers may take a hit and even the government's stability is threatened with increasing revelations of Prime minister David Cameron's cosy dealings and intricate entanglements with News Corp's senior personnel.

Add to that the news of EU countries needing sticking-plaster bailouts to help pay already impossible debts coupled with the fact that almost 10% of Europe's banks could not cope with a major financial crisis and the future of the global economy looks increasingly grim. Perhaps not yet time for the angelic announcement above to be pronounced fulfilled but it is clear that the Babylonian Mammon system is under increasing pressure to bow to the inevitable doom pronounced on it by the heavenly messenger.

People may have different views on the "when" of the fulfillment of this passage in
Revelation but it is clear that proponents of any view which allows full or partial (including the plausible cyclical) fulfillment in our time will be encouraged by the perpetual stream of news which points to a coming complete crash of the world economic system. "Babylon is definitely falling" would be an accurate reading of our times. There is an hour in one day which will see the undeniable demise of the Great Harlot (Rev 18:8,17). 

The key question for us as believers is what do we do? Well, we don't have to join the recession, for one. In fact, God tells HIS people to come out of Babylon so there is strong scriptural warrant for resisting fiercely the effects of the economic downturn in our lives. I have been preaching a lot recently on the Gospel being God's answer to the recession. The Gospel is for the poor so there can't be a better time to preach it! The Lord's call to "Come out of her (i.e. Babylon), MY people" is a clear commission for us to preach to people everywhere of the Kingdom of God. We are to call them My people who are not My people. This is the Gospel to the poor. It is God's message to a people under oppression. The answer to the present economic crisis is to tell folks they are the Lord's and that His Kingdom has come.

When old Babylon sinks, the economy of God will come in. This is heaven's economy. There is no poverty in heaven; no lack, shortage, debt or banks lending through usury! The satanic way of doing things is coming to an end. Now God's system is coming. This may upset a few religious folks who like to big up satan but to those who hear the Spirit of God, there is a victory sound arising.

It may take a while for Babylon to finally sink. We are called in the meantime to herald the Kingdom of God which is coming. We don't just do this with words. No, we can live in God's economy NOW. Sure, we have the Mammon system to deal with but we can be a prophetic people living in the Kingdom even in the midst of darkness. We can model Kingdom living and Kingdom wealth to those trapped in Babylon. We can and we must. It is every Christian's duty and calling to take dominion in the economic realm and increase the wealth they steward. Failure to do so is sloth.

Jesus became a curse to get Abraham's billionaire blessing on you. To ignore this is extreme disrespect. Events in the news should inspire us all. Media mogul and billionaire Rupert Murdoch is being taken to task for abusing a position of great trust and responsibility. Justifiably so. But let me ask you: If you owned a media empire the size of Rupert Murdoch's, what would you do with it?

Now you're starting to think like you were created to...

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Destroying World Poverty

I don't think we are aware of just how aggressive the Lord's Prayer is. When Jesus teaches us to pray "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven" He is actually exhorting us to declare the annihilation of everything on earth that doesn't exist in heaven. Unrighteousness does not exist in heaven. Sickness does not exist in heaven. Poverty does not exist in heaven. 

Poverty can be eradicated by the Lord's Prayer. I used to see this prayer as a pattern prayer but I have come to see that this is over-complicating things. We actually do not have to elaborate on this phrase at the heart of the prayer. As co-rulers with Christ we simply decree His Kingdom has arrived and that earth's conditions must change to conform to heaven's. It's a little bit like the Borg in Star Trek; everywhere they went they "assimilated" planets, cultures, empires, peoples to the Borg template. Of course, it's not just as robotic and the Borg were maybe not a great role model (I use the singular; all Borg were one) but you get the picture. Assimilation is not an ideal concept either; Babylon assimilates. God's Kingdom is more scorched earth then rebuild in its application. The evils of the present world order must be destroyed and swept away.

Many "believers" are running from fiscal responsibility. This is the point of several parables eg. those of the minas and talents. But it is inescapable: God's people are here to dismantle the Babylonian economy we presently have and replace it with Yahweh's Kingdom economy. World poverty is the fruit of Babylon. In God's Kingdom, each receives Yahweh as His portion. The iron covering of Babylon/Tyre will soon be destroyed from Yahweh's holy mountain. In that day the poor will hear and receive the true Gospel. You cannot hear this Gospel and stay poor.

What is needed is for God to be declared the Judge of the poor. He always judges for the poor; this is their defence and vindication. It is vital to understand that all help for the poor is rooted in the invisible realm since this is where our supply is. Real aid must begin in the spirit and then become material and practical. It is the Kingdom's declaration and arrival that will destroy poverty, sickness and death here in this dimension.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The Foundation Of True Wealth

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I often say that wealth is an inside job. By this I mean your consciousness of who you are and what you have is your actual wealth. The Bible calls this faith. Faith is not, contrary to what people think, a lesser reality than manifestation. When you are in the process of believing i.e. "in faith" for healing, this is not less substantial than when the healing manifests. The word "substantial" is the key to understanding what I mean. You see, the Greek word for "substance" is hupostasis. This is one of the most fascinating words in the Bible. It means "that which stands under" i.e. the real essence of a thing. W.E. Vine says that it "has the meaning of the real nature of that to which reference is made in contrast to the outward manifestation."

In other words, faith is the heavenly materiality that is the source of our blessings. It's more real in heaven than it is here and it's more real when we are going through the process of bringing it from the multi-dimensional realm of glory than when it shows up here. Your healing is eternal; it cannot be destroyed in the glory. In this temporal realm, it can be lost as this is the realm which is subject to change. Wealth is no different. In the eternal realm you are rich beyond the scope of human understanding. You are a child and heir of the Infinite One. You are a joint-inheritor with Christ Jesus of all your Father has and is. Consciousness of this is your true wealth in life, not what you have manifested.

The time is coming and now is when men will be valued and ranked for their inner wealth, not their manifest possessions. Those who are spiritual will understand this passage is one of the greatest prosperity passages in the Bible:

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.

These verses tell you that you have already arrived. You are already all you ever will be. Two things are now required. Firstly, that you saturate yourself with the consciousness of this. Secondly, that such consciousness brings manifestation beyond your ability to imagine.

Monday, 10 January 2011

How To Prosper Personally And Save The World

As Emrys I am called to teach and preach on The Matter Of Britain. My message is a national one, specifically to the peoples of Britain. The Bible is a national book in that, in both Old and New Testaments, it is addressed to the nation of Israel. My particular calling is to tell the indigenous peoples of the British Isles that they are descended from the biblical tribes of Israel. Isaiah 51:16 is the commissioning text for our church and ministry. Of course, some are not ready to hear that. We have two main "target" audiences - those who are Christians and those who are not. It is difficult for some Christians not necessarily to believe the message as to receive it and allow it to change them. Churchianity has strong conditioning but the truth will eventually penetrate even the most obstinate of programming. We are used to people showing interest then going all defensive as their churchianity kicks in. That's ok. It's tough finding out you don't know what you really need to.

I have been revisiting Isaiah chapter 51 recently in our meetings. The gist of the messages is that the answer to the recession we are presently being made to endure is that we are God's Israel people. Every problem in life is an identity problem for those who follow the Lord. That is, you mess up because you forget who you are. Nationally, this is the case with Britain. When the glorious outpouring of Pentecostal blessing first came to America and Europe at the turn of the 20th century, the wonderful truth of British Israel and the British Throne's descent from the Throne of David was widely taught and believed by multitudes. The early pioneers and founders of denominations in the UK like the Elim Movement and the Apostolic Church were all staunch proponents of our Israelite identity. Sadly, that truth has been obscured as the decades passed. See here for the story.

It has to be said that until this glorious truth is once more embraced by people in this nation, the awesome move of God people long for will not be manifest. This may enrage those who have their own ideas about revival but Yahweh is on the Throne and it is His purpose we must align ourselves with.

Anyway, I have been teaching in our meetings along these lines and trying to get across the powerful truth that to proclaim the truth of British Israel is to innoculate yourself from the effects of the recession. More than this, it is the truth of British Israel that will destroy the economy of Babylon and usher in the Kingdom of God economy. In essence, if you want to prosper personally and nationally, preach and teach that we are Israel.

I have testimony after testimony in my own life to the amazing effects of this. In the last few days I have been greatly blessed financially in my income and also seen a £4,000 debt miraculously cancelled! The reason is very simple: I am preaching this message more fervently than ever.
I am aware that some have an agenda for resisting and rejecting the truth of our national identity and destiny. As I said, churchianity is strong in its conditioning. But if you need to prosper financially, you may want to consider this very seriously. Only truth can align you to reality. And the reality is that we are blessed with all we ever will need already (Ephesians 1:3). Proclaiming the truth is what manifests these blessings.

This is so vital I am blogging it on my other blogs here and here.
If you want to receive CDs of my recent teaching on these matters, email me and request them. There will be no charge.
